Morpion Solitaire - List of the site's news
added January 21st 2014
- New record
at the 5T# game!
- 190 moves
by Christian Boyer, three more moves than Marc Lapierre's previous record
of 2008
- Names "5T#" and "5D#" now given to the 5T and
5D games with other initial patterns, but
using the same number of dots (36) as the standard Greek cross
- Robert Féron, University of Lyon,
was the 5T# record-holder from 1975 to 2008. PDF
file on Robert Féron's works on random fuzzy sets, kindly sent by
Henri Prade.
- Compilation of best 5T grids obtained by
Dimitri Tishchenko from 157
to 178 moves.
- In the page on limits,
new remark and table: 5T record score can't be better than 5T+/5T#/5T++
record scores, themselves limited by the same upper bound as 5T
- By Akitoshi Kawamura, Takuma Okamoto,
Yuichi Tatsu, Yushi Uno, and Masahide Yamato, new
version of their paper on 5D upper bound, but retained bound of 121
- No more
known winning strategy at Connector, after a remark from Maria Eichlseder
- The old page of links was too long, now
split in two pages: Links & Apps, and Papers
Not truly on the game of Morpion Solitaire...
in the website, because on "Morpion"!
- "Morpion",
the scratch game from Française des Jeux, ceased in 2012 after
nearly twenty years of existence (webpage in French)

- Jean Lavoie, Commission de Toponymie du
Québec, gives a new hypothesis on Morpions
stream (webpage in French)
- Two new webpages (in French):
© Christian Boyer,